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Mom of Angel Michael Grayson Happy Birthday May 21, 2007


Family of Angel ..Michael Grayson

Debi a visitor to your site September 22, 2006

I frequently visit other memorial sites after visiting our son's.  Jarrad's tribute is so beautiful; he must have been a magnificant young man who someone needed in Heaven, more that you needed him on this earth.  It's so hard to let go, but always remember that Jarrad is whole once more and will never die again.  He'll wait for you as he has joined our Andrew.  Please visit Andrew's site @



May God Bless you All,


April Parker The Dash August 28, 2006

I received this touching movie clip in an email and as tears welled in my eyes, all that I could think of was Jarrad.  The movie clip is titled 'The Dash' and I can only say that I only wish that I could have been more a part of the "Dash" that shaped and molded him into the beautiful man inside and out that he was and will always be to me.


May you be as blessed by this movie clip as I was and know that you were truly blessed if you were able to be a part, if but for just a moment, of Jarrad's dash.



Connie Newsome To his family August 26, 2006

To all of you who loved him dearly.  We (Otis, Cosettia, Connie, Cesilee, Chelsea) just wanted to let you know that we are so very sorry.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.  Come see us anytime.




Otis's family

Kristyn Oborne (Baker-Taylor) My thoughts and Prayers are with your family August 19, 2006

Jarrad, I hope you had a chance to live out some of your dreams before God took you from the people you love. It is the hardest thing to loose someone you love, I can only imagine what your family is going through right now, my thoughts are with them. I know now that you are somewhere that no pain is felt, and someday the people you love with be by your side once again.

Love you, Kristyn

Jessica McClanahan Angel August 18, 2006

These are the lyrics from Sara McClaughlin's song Answer. I send them to my family on behalf of Jarrad. I love all of you so much and hope that this pain eases one day. His already has.


I will be the answer at the end of the line

I will be there for you while you take the time

In the burning of uncertainty I will be your solid ground

I will hold the balance if you can't look down


If it takes my whole life, I won't break, I won't bend

It'll all be worth it, worth it in the end

Cause I can only tell you what I know that I need you in my life

When the stars have all gone out you'll still be burning so bright


Cast me gently into morning, for the night has been unkind

Take me to a holy place so holy

That I can wash this from my mind

The memory of choosing not to fight


If it takes my whole life, I won't break, I won't bend

I'll all be worth it, worth it in the end

Cause I can only tell you what I know

That I need you in my life

And when the stars have all burned out

You'll still be burning so bright

Cast me gently into morning, for the night has been unkind.


Miss you, thanks for reminding about this song.

I love you


m bless you August 17, 2006
Having known a small part of your sorrow through the people of equal value whose time we have shared, I can only pray for a peace in your life.  Sometimes we are given but a moment with angels and yet they change us forever. I mourn your loss and yet am thankful for your opportunity to have shared Jarrad's  time. I wish that words could ease you in the moments of struggle to come but I know that only your memories of him will do just that. God graces our lives with many who touch us but in truth, He shows His love in those who make an impact. I pray that you embrace the "whys" as hard as they may be. Study them to understand the lessons He has shared. God never makes mistakes and is gracious to give us angels to know the hints of heaven we so dearly need.  
Heather White Thoughts & Wishes August 15, 2006

I am thinking of you and sending thoughts and wishes to you all to get through this terrible time.  I am so sorry for your loss of Jarrad, I can't imagine how you feel. 

He must have work to do someplace else, how wonderful for him to have the chance to shed light from up there as much as he did here. 

I love and miss all of you, and I only wish for your comfort and understanding of this very challenging time in your lives.


Love you,




Ciccarelli/Caruso Family Sorry for your loss. August 14, 2006

To All of Jarrad's family, friends and loved ones,


Sandra Russ sister August 14, 2006

I love you Melissa and Russ.  I am so sorry for your loss of your brother.  I love you.


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